Viele Männer erfahren im Laufe ihres Lebens, dass sie Schwierigkeiten mit ihrer sexuellen Leistungsfähigkeit haben. Dies kann nicht nur körperliche, sondern auch emotionale Auswirkungen haben, die das Selbstvertrauen beeinträchtigen. Es ist wichtig, offen über diese Probleme zu sprechen und mögliche Lösungen zu erkunden, denn es gibt viele Möglichkeiten, um Hilfe zu bekommen. Die Frage bleibt, warum nicht mehr herausfinden, welche Ursachen dahinterstecken und wie effektive Behandlungen aussehen können.

Si no puedes esperar a cobrar la nómina y necesitas dinero, un cozmo puede ayudarte.

What we bring to you

Tax Registration

We provide services of tax registration and return filings for companies and individuals, as per rules and regulations implemented in Pakistan. In addition, we provide income tax and sales tax filing also.

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Company Registeration

We provide company registration as per Companies Act, 2017 and we register Partnership agreement with the Registrar besides registration of individual business.

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Accounting & ERP Solution

We also provide accounting services, which includes bookkeeping, stock counts, fixed assets register recording , receivables functions, payable functions, financial statements preparation and analysis & ERP deployments.

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Audit Service

We provide auditing services which includes review of the financial statements and Internal controls of the organization and give an opinion on its true and fair presentation as per International Auditing Standards.

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Business Risk Analysis

We also provide Audit services which highlights key weakness in the system with consequences and recommendations for improvement. Risk analysis is also provided so that level and impact of risk can be mitigated.

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Web Design & Development

We’re passionate about crafting exceptional websites that leave a lasting impression. Whether you’re a startup looking for a stunning online presence or an established business seeking to revamp your digital identity, we have the expertise to deliver web solutions that meet your unique needs.

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In the recent drive of the Government of Pakistan to increase the tax net, new rules and regulations are implemented to ensure that majority of the nonpaying tax class are encouraged, by impartial and transparent tax system, that they should contribute their part in the economy.

Direct tax (Income Tax) can be the main source of revenue of any economy and its major contributors are businesses of all kinds which do make handsome profits but do not contribute in tax payments in Pakistan. Rules and regulations are applicable as per Income Tax Ordinance, 2001.Leetbit

Indirect tax is also a major contributor, rules applicable as per Sales Tax Act 1990 and Federal Excise Act 2005. The rules and regulations for provincial sales tax are governed as per following acts:

    • Sindh Sales Tax on Services Act, 2011
    • Punjab Sales Tax on Services Act, 2012
    • Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Sales Tax on Services Act, 2013
    • Baluchistan Sales Tax on Services Act, 2015
    • Islamabad Capital Territory Sales Tax on Services Ordinance, 2001

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